(simplified, People's Republic)
(Translations by Mei Wang, as facilitated by Ian
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– you, me and all who are with us – have freely, clearly and firmly
decided /
To have our respective capabilities combined / to actively defend / the
life, dignity and wisdom / of Humankind and of Nature / in the situation
where we can not depend
on governments and institutions that, in fact, allow and abet the
poisoning and destruction / of life and others that we need to protect
and defend. / Personally and together / we hold that this as our duty
and our right / which no one can reasonably / ignore or oppose. / This
decision of ours / is a New Seed of inspiration and actions /
that we will spread throughout our respective countries and the whole
world. /
This decision we shall cause to be proclaimed and fulfilled / by our own
families /
and respective communities that will bring back the practice of
bayanihan /
for the sake of our nature, honor, and sustainable living. / We shall
craft clear plans to fulfill this / according to our own conditions and
capabilities / in line with the spirit and effect of our synergy. / May
we always be guided and helped / by our Divine Manager and Creator.
English translation by Ding Reyes, writer in English and Filipino).